Saturday, June 18, 2011

Somebody Stop Me!

I know I'm not supposed to hear any news on the final adoption decree until probably mid-July; however, I keep finding myself expectantly checking my email every 5 minutes. At first, I wasn't even aware of what I was doing. Then, I had to ask myself, "What do I keep checking my email for?" Of course, there was only one answer-more news on Jing-Qi. I'm in a constant state of expectation and excitement as we get close to the end of our process, where we'll finally be reunited with our precious girl, yet this waiting is feeling more and more torturous. Well, at least people will receive an extra-speedy response when they email me. I'll be sure to post any news as soon as I hear. : )


  1. I found your blog today from Stacy's...just in time! :) I hope that you will hear news very soon about bringing your daughter home! What a precious and perfect addition to your family!

  2. I did the same thing when we were waiting. Absolutely neurotic. Then one day I woke up and it was there. The email we had been anxiously awaiting. My guess is in the next 3 weeks you get it. Do you get Sabrina's emails in the middle of the night? I always did, it was kind of like the tooth fairy coming while I was Asleep. I always grabbed my phone to check emails first thing, before I even got out of bed to see if Sabrina had left me a little surprise while I slept.
