Sunday, August 28, 2011

I Think We're in the Last Trimester!

OK. I thought weird and strangely colorful dreams were only supposed to happen if you're pregnant, yet I had the strangest dream last night that I was hugely pregnant and trying to figure out how far along I was. I finally settled in my dream that I was 7 months along. Strange, I know. I think the wait is officially starting to get to me. Needless to say, I woke from my dream when I felt the baby kick very early in the morning- well, for me anyways (It was 7:22)- and scrambled to the computer to check my email to see if we had any news on our final decree...My heart sunk. No news. I did have some adorable new pictures of our Trina Jing-Qi sent to me, but Taiwan won't let me post any pictures of her until she is officially ours. These are my favorite pictures so far. She looks very happy. Anyways, I just wanted to share my craziness with you all. Please continue to pray for God's perfect timing with all this. As insane as I sound, I do trust Him and am looking forward to the day we are reunited with our little precious gem.

1 comment:

  1. darling friend...praying like crazy!'s so soon!!! HUGS!!!
